(BC 750 - BC 300)
Phrygians, migration of the Aegean and Anatolia, is one of the lengths of Balkan origin. However, as a political community emerged for the first time after 750 BC, Midas,in the period (725-695/675 BC) dominated the whole of Central and Southeastern Anatolia, reached the level of a powerful kingdom. In a short time even though they are of Indo-European origin, on the one hand Anadolululaşmışlar and Helen, on the other hand, the Late Hittite and Anatolian culture under the effects of an original created olamakla up. Phrygians, mining and wood working, weaving üretikleri acclaimed works and Helenli Helen market were imitated by craftsmen. Reel handles and bronze boilers bronze plates of the period "technological" is a success, the gold, silver and bronzlardan spring safety pins ( fibulae ), precious stones, clothing belts, buckles and richly decorated textiles, furniture, apparel adorned with geometric patterns among them. Phrygians, Greeks also became a source of inspiration in the field of music.
Phrygian HISTORY
Phrygian civilization, establishing a strong knowledge about the history and social life, unfortunately, is not enough. The first information we learn the ancient writers on this subject. The historian Herodotus, the geographer Strabo according to the Phrygians, a people and Europeans arrived in Anatolia before the " Brig "anılıyorlardı as.Evaluating the results of these written sources in the region related to the Phrygians, scientists excavated the Phrygians, probably 1200s BC Thrace and Anatolia came from the top of the Straits, Thrace and South Marmara Region in the first years after setting up temporary settlements in the inner parts of western Anatolia yayıldıklarını suggested.750 years BC the Phrygians coincides with the lands of Anatolia to establish the first political union.
The first known king of the Phrygians, the country's capital Gordion title Gordias 'truck. Succeeded to a political unity under the scattered communities of the Phrygian king and his era that has almost no knowledge about political events. Historian Arianos'a by the Gordias Thelmessos 'lu (Fethiye), a woman who has been married and has a son called Midas. The only known Phrygian king Midas (Midas was said the researchers state that all the kings of Phrygia). Midas reputation exceeded the limits of his own country, the Greek cities of the western coast of Asia Minor, and even spread to mainland Greece until the.
Initially, Eskisehir, Istanbul, Ankara and Sakarya settled in a region encompassing the valleys of the Phrygians, and later Kütahya, Red River, Ankara, Denizli is a powerful civilization ever created in the region.Midas the Phrygian throne passes in the country's most important enemy of the Assyrians , respectively. Midas, by making peace in Southeast Asurlar'la after securing borders tend to establish friendly relations with Western countries (Western Anatolian cities Kyme married the daughter of the king). On the other hand the throne of ivory, Greece Delfoi the Temple of Apollo to the present strengthens ties with the mainland in Greece. Uncovered in the excavations at Gordion Greek pottery are other examples of these relationships.
Towards 700 BC, through the Caucasus into Eastern Anatolia, Cimmerians, before the Red River until after güçsüzleştirdikten Urartu extend the region. Sonunuda Phrygia Phrygian-Cimmerian war will be completely destroyed. Puts an end to the life of King Midas by drinking the blood of the ox (BC 676). Who fled to the West Phrygians, Lydians small principalities in the case of the sovereignty submit to resume those assets in a while.
Phrygians, the main Gordion (Yassıhöyük), Pessinus (Ballıhisar), Dorylaion (Eskisehir), and Midas at (Yazılıkaya) settled.
a. Language and Text
The founders of the Phrygian civilization, a kind of light kavuşturulamayan knowledge on writing and language is quite limited. Phrygians were in itself a writing system. On the one hand, and the development of a source of this article is not yet lit Aramaic , on the other hand have occurred under the influence of the Aegean writing systems are similar. Although it is not yet completely solved Phrygian writing is legible. However, this reading, "Midas" or "Goddess" applies to words as well known.
Letter of the Greek alphabet, similar to some of the early bronze vases found in Gordion articles were Phrygian. Written in stone inscriptions can be seen in the same writings. All of them, as the date BC VII. Remove century. Phrygian and Greek alphabets as Phoenician, is likely to come from. BC Phrygian alphabet V.century were used. Mingling with the Greek Phrygian MS II. and III. lived up to centuries. Phrygian language writers of the remnants of the Greek word coming thirty fully explain this language is not sufficient. But in general, and that the language in the Indo-European dilerinden Slavic , Phrygian Aramaic, and even pre-Hittite languages where the words can be said.
The rest of them are almost no written documents, a knowledge of the literature about the bulunmamaktatır, but is considered to be the Phrygians Finders animal stories.
b. Architecture

To obtain information about the art and architecture of Phrygia, in various parts of Anatolia, particularly in Gordion, Midas, cities and Pazarli in the form of tumulus tombs carved into rocks rich facade buildings or resorting to the excavations. Phrygians, mining and metalworking had gone too far. Rock and stone architecture from the mine to handle the various tools used in the materials were made. Time, the presence of the Phrygians fortress, excavations revealed Pazarli. This castle is built on a high hill in the form of a uniform rectangular houses were small. Foundations of the houses are of stone, the upper parts of the wooden beams made of reinforced mud brick, drips of the wooden. Some parts of the roof and facades decorated with reliefs coated plates covered with soil. This kind of land in various parts of Anatolia, particularly in Gordion also been found Pazarli plates. In these, the art of paintings and embroideries Phrygia in Anatolia since time immemorial traditions rooted in the East (especially Mesopotamia ) and west ( Ionian and Greece) reflected the effects. The best examples of this architecture are the works of Eskisehir and Afyon. These are the ruins of the temple, richly embellished. pedimentshas a window. Phrygian wooden architecture of Lycia 'also found in a variant of the Old Bronze Age prototypes goes up. This architecture also influenced the architecture of the early east. According to the classical tradition frieze Phrygians used for the first time.
Americans have made in recent years, excavations at Gordion BC. VIII. century. 'the Phrygian stone houses sometimes, sometimes rude, using a wooden frame made of brick understood. It houses some of the plan megaron type. Gordion surround the walls of the city, the city gate, and several buildings were revealed. Phrygian, Urartu eastern neighbors have gone too far in architecture, such as rock, the rocks in the cells, rooms, corridors, what lent itself to high-level stairways and altars made yet fully understood. At the same time, the rocks, in most cases, the pole and the gabled buildings fronts formed. Contained in a number of animal motifs on the geometry or made during the heyday of the rock facades of the Phrygian state understood. Alone, there is no consensus as to whether the burial of these structures. Back in the form of burial chambers burial cells are regarded as some of the facades. However, it is shown as the tomb of Midas Yazılıkaya in front of a facade of a temple, and only used as intended is not the grave. This burial chamber semerdanlı , respectively.
House stores and service locations are in separate buildings. Some of the base is covered with mosaics made of colored stones. With geometric motifs on a rich decorations, mosaic decorations of the oldest known so far in Anatolia. Among them pieces of furniture, ivory meticulously crafted works of art, human and animal reliefs, a variety of pottery were found. Kimmer was destroyed during the invasion of the city, the exterior of the temple when re-embossed, colored, decorated with terracotta plaques. Lydia state domination of the eastern Greek sanantının led her to Gordion.
c. Mythology, Religion and Cybele Believed
"Midas, King of Phrygia. He was not so smart, but the only ones attracted akılsızlığının sentence. One day, an old rose garden near the palace of Midas peoplefound Silenos'u. Dionysus 'u looking Silenos had lost the path. As usual, it got totally wasted. Among the trees had been infiltrated. Midas people, roses adorned her from head to toe, then took us to the king. Midas Silenos'u greeted with a smiling face, a full ten days, ten nights accommodated. Seven Silenos as eating, drank and drank. Was drunk, sang songs, passed out, awake ... At the end of the tenth day, the king of Phrygia, Dionysus took me by the hand tiptoed her.
Dionysus, re kavuştuğuna Silenos'a so delighted that so delighted , "Midas, what you wish me to express." he said. The king, without thinking, "Oh, Dionysus," he replied, "I get the gold touched, nothing to apologize". God has fulfilled this wish of his, but I think about what would happen in the evening at dinner he snickered. Poor Midascık ... What an evil wish acıkıp found in the belly of the table that seated understood. Dönüveriyordu the bottom of every thing in her mouth takes. Took bread, here's a golden bread ... Apple is touched, that pale, stiff .. an apple .
Midas ran Dionisos'a now. Begged the blaze. "What you're this spell gray" she wept. Dionysus, "Go and destroyed stream of Paktolos. Then spell is broken " he replied. The Phrygian king, Paktolos immediately ran to the river, with a nice washed. After that, he drank seven tıkabasa return to the palace.
Now he bathed in the river, the ministers will see the golden sand particles in water. "
Has a history of a Midas used. He also Apollonla related. Almighty God, king of Phrygia, ears, turned the ass's ears. Punishment for committing a crime, but because of the stupidity of Midas seen:
"Apollo and Pan Midas competition between playing an instrument, was chosen as one of the judges. Rural god, kavalıyla was making pleasant sounds, but Apollo's silver lira per cent superior to all çalgıdan.A start playing Apollo; Musalar even stop to listen to himself.
The second mountain god judges Tmolos , Apollo gave streak wreath. But what to make of the great Midas as music, Pan gave played kept the volatile weather. Angry Apollo also yapıverdi his ears ears of a donkey.
Midas time, the gifts of God hid in a giant cone. At the end of the barber cut his hair in the ears, but was kept. Swore not to tell anyone he saw the ears. Barber it been stopped talking, dug a hole in the reeds went softly, "King Midas' ears, ears of a donkey." He whispered.
Intervening time has passed. The wind as it blew reeds growing around the pit, "King Midas' ears, ears of a donkey," he started to shout. So everyone learned the truth. "
After this incident, I suppose learns that Midas: Two-god liked to keep racing Grab a strong one.
Phrygian civilization, created in the "Mother Goddess Faith" came the peak of the effect, on behalf of the Mother Goddess temples, sacred groves, made religious ceremonies had been arranged. During this period, a legend told about the Mother Goddess, Goddess describes how to tapıldığını.
According to legend, the Mother Goddess ( Cybele), Attis, falls in love with a young man named. Attis, the Mother Goddess unaware of what he heard against him, Pessinus (Ballıhisar) is preparing to marry the king's daughter. Established location of the wedding, all the guests invited to the wedding has taken place. Eyes of many looking for love of the Mother Goddess, with all their splendor, one at the wedding will occur. And using the power of the divine-man Attis insane. Attis goes berserk at a time, to dance with one hand, while pulling the blade cuts the male organ. Attis groin gushing blood, soil, water, plants, soil spout. Attis himself into a pine tree dies. To provide his or her distorted the Mother Goddess. Pine tree, summer and winter, is connected to a legend that remain intact.
d. Burial Phrygians Tradition

Dead or rock-hewn tombs, or the lords of the Phrygian tumulus was gömerlerdi. For most of the rock-cut tombs were robbed outside of architecture do not give more information. However, tumuli, burial types of masonry that learning to play an important role Phrygian tradition of burying the dead. The 8th the beginning of the 6th century BC The majority of the tumuli at Gordion thought to have been used until the mid-twentieth century. This stockpiling of soil and the number of graves are located in the city close to 100 on their backs.
This type of burial occurs in more than one technique in advanced. This indicates that the tumulus tombs of Phrygia came from the outside. Indeed, Albania and Macedonia, tumulus graves to bury the noble persons known to be used from 1800 BC-1500.
Tümülüslerindeki Phrygian burial chambers wooden structure is the work of a very advanced technique. Stretched on wooden ottomans previously burned the dead, the 7th since the end of the century, the influences from Greece began to burn. Bırakılasından gifts of the dead and the dead wood and wooden burial chamber after the closure of the roof of the chamber via a large hills covered with masonry.
Soil burial chamber will stack timber to minimize pressure in the grave made of the following: wood covered with rubble above the chamber, upon which the quality and strength, with more diluted clay slurried laid, and then piled on dry clay peak. Soil set well below the damp clay, after drying should be stacked because the growing strength of wet clay dries.
According to the importance of the person buried in the tumuli height varies between 2-3 and 60-70 meters.
Phrygian tumulus, Lydia and separates the graves of Greek; burial chambers making use of wood instead of stone, masonry peak for preventing the spread of soil environment crepis wall, and that the passage graves odasınına dromos not used.
Place of burial chambers under a pile of dirt in the middle large tumuli, low tumuli places far from the center of the tomb plunderers would be taken against the measure.
While the majestic masonry tombs of the nobles except for the cities, for the modest graves kiltleleri used for the public at large. Pazarli people, the simple graves of the dead, the castle on your back, buried deposit. Bogazkoy people burn their dead, buried the ashes of putting into cubes. Also Bogazkoy in a vase was used as a child's grave.
All of the ashes of the dead skeletons Pazarlı'daki this Boğazköy and now belongs to the Phrygian period and continuing into the buried city. However, in Ankara on cubes burned the dead were buried in tombs were also found outside of the city. Phrygian around this Mosque in Ankara, living in the city today Hacibayram indicates the presence of different classes of people.
Great Tumulus
Gordion large tumulus, the burial chamber being made on the surface of the ground is not in the pit attract attention. The burial chamber (internal boyutlları 5.15x6.20, height 3.25), coarse limestone, surrounded by a wall. This 53-meter-long tumulus careful attention to the technique of construction, fully living in the most powerful royal tomb suggest that the Phrygians. Midas Midas tomb or father, according to various claims or Gordias'a reserved.
Anatolia "pyramids" is one of the so-called tumuli in the Great Tümülüs'ün Removal of intact burial chamber 53 meters below the 20th is one of the successful applications laid down in the second half of the century archaeological. Director of the excavation Roudney S. Young ancient tumulus 250 meters wide and 70-80 meters in height may have been determined.
Gordion (Yassıhöyük)
The ruins of the capital of the Kingdom of the Phrygian Gordion Ankara-Eskişehir highway and near the confluence of Polatlı Sakarya rivers located in the northwest with a badger. Gordion history in the 8thgoes back to the mid-twentieth century. Between 725 and 675 BC, the city has experienced the most brilliant period. Midas sat in this city. Gordion, the 7th century, was attacked by Cimmerians. City,Alexander the Great by the 6th century until the middle of independence from the Persians were occupied by kavuşturuluncaya. In addition, the sword of Alexander the Great cut the Gordion saw that solves believed to be the conqueror of Asia (BC 334).
Mound City: The Phrygian city flat mound measuring 350x500 meters, is located just east of the Sakarya River. Archaeologists, in conjunction with a monumental gate of the king's family a lot of building and houses the remains of the city walls have put in place. All of these are the most brilliant period of the Phrygian kingdom (725-667 BC) dated.
City Gate: At the end of the 8th century BC, were made. 9-meter-high portion of soft limestone, is a monumental structure preserved to the present day. The main entrance to the city, 23 meters long, 9 meters wide and was provided an open corridor. The towers on either side of the door opening into the city has a gate. All excavated in northern courtyard was used as a warehouse. In order to protect the southern wall of the southern courtyard of the great gate of the Persian left unexcavated.
City Center: The middle part of the mound is divided into palaces. A mud-brick wall (B) the first courtyard of the palace with four structure divides the city gate. A thicker wall (E1, E2, E3), inner courtyard to the north, west and south aspects of the converts. This is probably the palace walls, structures, and thus extends the eastern yönünce completely separates them from the outside.
Palaces: a megarondur first two buildings in the courtyard. Megaron 2, a mosaic decorated with geometric patterns. This mosaic, pebble mosaic, the oldest known example of the display in the museum and is now a part of the Gordion.
Megaron 3: This is important to the present day Gordion çıkarılmışen structure. Now the largest building in the inner courtyard Phrygian acropolis. Structure, two rows of wood mast is divided into a central and two side naves. According to archaeologists, the middle section of a single-storey and high-salondu. The sides of the two-storey wooden galleries, respectively. Megaron 3, the 8th must be one of the oldest buildings, built in the second half of the century.
Terrace Structure: the terrace is one of the western kesimindeher side by side, the dimensions of 11x14 meters are 8 pieces megaron. A stove in the middle and at the sides of each one of the pillars are supported by wooden galleries. They are likely to be seen daily work of the palace buildings. Megaron 3, next to the stairs to the terrace, provided to newly created.
Pessinus ruins, near Ankara-Eskişehir highway Sivrihisar are Ballıhisar'da. Pessinus, known as the goddess Cybele, the mother of the gods, with the settlement of the famous holy "priests State" in the form of an ancient Phrygian yerleşmesiydi. Shapeless stone statue of the Mother Goddess cult (Baitylas) was believed to come down from the sky. The city was under the rule of Bergamalılar'ın, but a limited freedom of the monks here olabilmişlerdi Galatians spite of being attacked. Phrygian and Galatian five at five with the City of priest ruled a chief priest. BC. Cybele cult statue of the Roman senate in 204 Pessinus'a send envoys to Rome getirtmesi and the placement of this statue at a temple was built there the city gained a great reputation. BC. Augustus in 25, the province of Galatia got acquainted Pessinus was taken over by the Romans.
TEMPLE: Building has a plan that is very interesting. The narrow edges of the six, in a column on the long sides peristasis (the name given to a series of columns surround the ancient temple), the Hellenic temple shows a different application. The relationship between structure and a theatron (the name given to the ancient Greek theater, the audience sits section) revealed sequence that serves as a stepping stone flashy. For this reason, the Belgian researchers have identified it as a theater-temple. However, Akurgal also believes that these steps on the cult of Cybele. Because it indicates that the temple as well as the Temple of the underground part Aizonai. Architectural decorations of the temple by the MS. 1. made in the first half century. Into an open area of the portico on three sides (the columns carrying the roof of hall) ruins the look of this place is laid out as an agora. The building overlooks the ancient Anatolian cultures associated with the west in the form of Greek temples.
NECROPOLIS: excavations in the necropolis of the city, in the form of the front side of the door were beautiful examples of late Roman graves. Pearl ceramic Bayburtoğlu'na Necropolis by examining the gravestones are still protected MS Ballıhisar'daki a local store. 3. or 4 dated century. The most important of these, with the statue of a lion on the stele.
Pessinus Belgian archaeologists in a shallow valley, a wide and probably have put in a long channel. Both sides of this channel digits and the water level in the channel, type in question came down the steps provided convenience for citizens. Furthermore, the existing stream channel water from the northern end of the era of the Roman system of regulating the Belgian archaeologists have found closure.
"To be ignorant of the past is always to stay with children."