Ankara - Museum of Ethnography
 Ankara Ethnography Namazgah referred to by the name of the district, the Muslim cemetery built on a hill. Referred to the General Directorate of Foundations of the hill on November 15, 1925 in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Education allotted to the museum.
Participating in the Independence War until 1924, the national emphasis on culture revolutionaries of the Turks with the material and spiritual heritage believed that the need for the establishment of an ethnographical museum. For this reason, the Minister of Education Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver, J. Turcologist former colleague heads of Museum of Ethnography in Budapest Mészáros has asked his views on the museum's organization, which offered him the job, Prof. Mészáros offered by the ministry is understood that the report dated November 29, 1924. Thus, the establishment of the People's Museum of preparation to be done, in 1924 Prof. Jalal al-Assad (Arseven) headed by then in Istanbul in 1925, Halil (Erdem) chaired a special commission was established to collect and purchase works. 1250 purchased in 1927, construction was completed, are exhibited in the museum. Hamit Zübeyr Kosar was appointed director of the museum.
 April 15, 1928 to visit the museum in Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Ataturk) after receiving information about the museum, due to the visit of Afghan King Amanullah Khan, ordered the opening of the museum.18/07/1930 Museum in the inner courtyard of the museum opened to the public in November 1938, was reserved as a temporary grave. His body remained until it was transferred in 1953, the mausoleum of Ataturk. This section is still kept as a symbolic mausoleum of Ataturk's legacy, with an inscription on a white marble.
"This 11/10/1938 at infinity lies in reaching the place of Ataturk from 21.11.1938 until 11.10.1953."
 Ethnographic Museum for 15 years served as the Ataturk Mausoleum. Heads of state, ambassadors, foreign delegations and the public has been the place to visit. 6-14.11.1956 continued in the museum this time, due to the International Week of Museums, mutatis mutandis, re-opened to the public.
The architect Arif Hikmet (Koyunoglu) The first term of the Republic of the architects of the most valued
The building is a rectangular, single dome. The stone walls are covered with coarse sandstone. The marble pediment has carved decoration.
28-step staircase to the building. 4 columns, has a triple entry system. Dome, the inner courtyard is entered through the door, and from there the so-called six-columned hall pass section. Here is a marble pool center, part of the roof was left open. Then it leaves the inner courtyard as a temporary grave Ataturk, the pool is relocated into the garden, the roof is closed. Is located symmetrically around the inner courtyard, large and small halls. Two-story museum is adjacent to the administration section.
 Bronze statue of Atatürk Museum stands in front of the Ministry of Education by the Italian artist P. 1927Conanica'ya built.
Ethnography Museum, which showcases the ongoing Turkish art from Seljuk period to a museum.
Collected from various regions of Anatolia, folk costumes, jewelery, shoes, clogs samples, Sivas women's and men's socks, pouches, laces, scarves, belts, handkerchiefs, bed sheets, bride's attire, groom, shaving sets, old traditional Turkish art are representatives.
 Turks specific technical material and designs in the carpet weaving centers in Usak, Gordes, Bergama, Kula, Milas, Ladik, Karaman, Nigde, Kirsehir of regions has a collection of carpets and rugs.
XV.Yüzyıldan beautiful examples of the art of Anatolia from the Mamluk Mining boilers, Ottoman sweet boilers, buckets, basins, trays, coffee trays, jugs, bowls, candle scissors and so on. There are various metal works.
 Ottoman period bows, arrows, flintlock pistols, rifles, sword and the Turkish pottery and porcelain and porcelains, religious and sect properties, are exhibited with beautiful examples of Turkish calligraphy.
The most beautiful examples of Turkish wooden works, the Seljuk Sultan III. Keyhüsrev throne (XIII century), Ahi Serafettin's Sarcophagus (XIV.yy), Nevsehir Urgup Taşhur Pasha Mosque in the village of Damsa niche (XII century), Siirt Ulu Mosque pulpit (XII.yy) Merzifon Madrasa of Sultan Celebi Gate ( XV.yy) significant monuments in our museum.
VII. Sessions of Parliament, a member of the collection Besim Atalay contains Turkish art of various periods.
The Museum of Anatolian ethnography and folklore in particular, has a specialized library containing works on the history of art. Address:Find Talatpaşa. Opera / Ankara Tel: (0312) 311 30 07